Il Boemo — Angel Films

Il Boemo - En mesters storhed og fald

Premiere - 7. marts

143 min. / Genre: Biografisk film, drama, historie

IL BOEMO - EN MESTERS STORHED OG FALD er et overdådigt biografisk periodedrama om komponisten, Josef Mysliveček, der var Mozarts mentor og læremester. Filmen fortæller den ekstraordinære og for mange ukendte historie om en af de mest populære og produktive operakomponister i 1700-tallets Italien. Pragtfulde kostumer, imponerende locations og ekstravagant musik er med til at bringe en storartet kunstner og æra til live. 

Denne sanselige, medrivende og sprudlende film var Tjekkiets officielle Oscar-kandidat og i konkurrence i San Sebastian.


Citatplakat (print-version) (web-version)

1x15 1x30 1x50 2x30 2x50


Instagram-grafik (Version1), (Version 2)

Still 1, Still 2, Still 3, Still 4, Still 5, Still 6, Still 7, Still 8

SoMe-videoer mm.


“A sumptuous costume piece that’s also an ambitious slice of musical archaeology. Lovers of classical music and heritage cinema alike should warm it all over the world. A visually and musically vivid film”.
- Screendaily

“The award-winning Czech director Petr Vaclav has created a marvelous period piece, rich in costume and music, not to mention performances by real-life opera stars. Its glorious musical treatment is the film’s overriding pleasure. The film’s Italian milieu couldn’t be more vividly illustrated, fusing rich historical locations with grandiose design work”.
- Variety

“The scene in which Mozart himself appears is riveting. The attention to musical detail is also reflected in the soundtrack: we hear an opera as Mysliveček is composing it in his head. The performance scenes feature tremendous vocal work, mostly from the actors’ own voices. A strong biopic that has something to say about musical creativity and opportunity, as well as the colorful lifestyle of 18th century Venetians”.
- Deadline